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Plastic pallet china with plastic turnover box, perfect CP!
 Aug 11, 2022|View:250

Plastic pallets china and plastic turnover boxes have been providing good help in cargo transportation, turnover, storage, etc. They are all indispensable logistics equipment. If you use the two together, what will be the effect?


1. The main function of the plastic turnover box is to store goods and avoid damage to the goods during transportation. Plastic turnover boxes are stacked on plastic pallets china, and bulk transportation can improve the timeliness of logistics.

2. The plastic turnover box is combined on the plastic pallet china in a unitized manner, and then wrapped with a stretch film on the periphery of the turnover box to play a fixed role. It is not subject to brutal operation, which improves security.


3. The combination of plastic turnover boxes and plastic pallets can make plastic turnover boxes more standardized and templated, so that the technology of turnover boxes can be continuously improved.

Plastic pallets china and plastic turnover boxes complement each other. If you want to purchase the perfect combination of plastic turnover boxes and plastic pallets china, please contact Xuansheng customer service.

No.45, Xingchen Road, Hengshanqiao Town, Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
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