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Can plastic pallets china be exported?
 Aug 10, 2022|View:243

Product export will involve frequent storage, turnover, transportation and other processes of goods. If it is done only by manpower, it will not only be inefficient, but also costly. The use of plastic pallets china throughout the operation will improve work efficiency and reduce costs. Can the plastic pallet china be exported directly? The answer is yes.

In order to avoid pests when the pallet is exported, it is necessary to have a fumigation certificate. The disadvantages of traditional wooden pallets are that they are not moisture-proof and easy to corrode. They must be heated and fumigated to remove parasites before they can be exported. Because of its moisture-proof, corrosion-resistant, and easy-to-clean plastic pallets china, the inspection of the fumigation link can be avoided, thereby reducing export time, speeding up capital turnover, and ensuring the timeliness of logistics; in addition, plastic pallets china are exempt from inspection in some EU, Africa, the United States, etc. Regions work just as well.


In addition, plastic pallets china also have good performance in terms of carrying. Plastic pallets china are loaded with goods. After stacking, packing, transporting, and loading into containers, many links are saved in the middle, logistics costs are reduced, and goods circulation is more convenient.

The size of the plastic pallet china is closely related to the container size and the plastic pallet china size standard of the importing country. The standard plastic pallet china is conducive to the turnover and transfer in the container, so it is very important to choose the standard size plastic pallet china. For example, the size of plastic pallets china exported to Europe must meet the EU plastic pallet standards. Common specifications are 1200*800mm and 1200*1000mm. The height range of EU plastic pallets china is 135-165mm. Therefore, when purchasing, you must choose a regular manufacturer and buy a standard size.

No.45, Xingchen Road, Hengshanqiao Town, Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
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