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Plastic pallets keep pace with the times to meet your various needs
 Aug 05, 2022|View:249

my country's earliest standards for plastic pallets were formulated in 1992. After more than 20 years of development, the standards for plastic pallets have been continuously updated and progressed with the rapid growth of the plastic pallet industry. The continuous innovation of plastic pallet specifications is subject to In what ways?


  1. With the development of the times, the market for commodity packaging has been constantly changing. In order to meet the needs of the market and customers, plastic pallet manufacturers have been developing new plastic pallets that are conducive to customer needs, forming the current plastic pallet industry. Various specifications changing situation. In order to cooperate with this development trend, plastic pallet manufacturers should communicate more with customers, conduct research on relevant parties, and continue to innovate in mold technology.

  2. The specification change of plastic pallet is actually mainly reflected in the size change. With the different requirements of customers, the specifications and sizes of plastic pallets are also expanding, including double-sided, field-shaped, Sichuan-shaped plastic pallets; there are also exclusive plastic pallets for various industries, which cannot be enumerated.

  3. The specification changes of plastic pallets are related to their purpose of use. With the continuous upgrading of the mechanical structure of the plastic pallet itself, its specifications will also change, and its specifications are also different for different carrying weights.

No.45, Xingchen Road, Hengshanqiao Town, Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
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