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Shelves with plastic pallets, Skr~
 Aug 12, 2022|View:244

In the warehouses of some enterprises, or in supermarkets and stores, in order to arrange and store a large number of items in an orderly manner to facilitate subsequent management, various shelves often appear. Three-dimensional shelves are a more commonly used one. a storage method. The use of plastic pallets with shelves gives full play to its transportation and storage functions, and the placement of goods is more clear at a glance, while saving a lot of manpower and material resources.


The three-dimensional shelf is divided into multiple layers, which can effectively use the warehouse storage space, store more items, and prevent the items from being damaged by pressure. In the process of use, the plastic pallet is generally placed across the beam, and the stress point is mainly on the two beams. The conventional width of the beam is 5cm, so this type of shelf requires the plastic pallet to have built-in steel pipes with sufficient strength. Generally, the plastic pallets on the shelves have better stability, so storage accidents caused by the substandard quality of the pallets do not often occur.

No.45, Xingchen Road, Hengshanqiao Town, Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
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