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What problems can be solved by using a leak-proof pallet??
 Sep 01, 2022|View:256

In recent years, the country has paid more and more attention to environmental protection issues, especially in the chemical industry. Large and small chemical plants are subject to safety inspections from time to time. Once they fail to meet the standards, they must be closed for remediation. Therefore, it is very necessary to take environmental protection measures in advance. The common pollution problem in the chemical industry is the leakage of chemical raw materials or pollutants. In order to solve this problem, the anti-leakage tray was born.


Chemical supplies are now involved in many places, such as: chemical plants, chemical laboratories, waste treatment plants, etc. Chemical containers such as chemical drums in chemical plants, reagent bottles in chemical laboratories, and oil drums in waste treatment plants may leak due to aging of containers or improper human operation during use and storage. The leaked chemical liquid will pollute the ground, not easy to clean, emit harmful odor, affect the working mood, and cause little harm, but if it does not flow into the soil and water flow through the sewer, it will cause serious environmental pollution, and even endanger people's health. life safety. So as long as there is a leak, no matter how big or small, it should be paid attention to, and it is best to avoid it. At this time, the use of anti-leakage trays can help us prevent and control the leakage of chemicals, so enterprises that need to use chemicals should quickly start with this anti-leakage tool!


Jiangsu Xuansheng Plastic Industry Technology Co., Ltd. is a plastic manufacturer specializing in the production and sales of anti-leakage trays. You are welcome to contact us for consultation.

No.45, Xingchen Road, Hengshanqiao Town, Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
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