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Super practical plastic pallets china are commonly used for stacking!
 Aug 31, 2022|View:246

When people stack goods on plastic pallets china, the easiest and quickest method is usually used, and the safety of the goods cannot be guaranteed. Today, plastic pallet manufacturers introduce some super practical plastic pallet china stacking methods here, hoping to help everyone.


1. Overlapping

This is a very common stacking method. The stacking method means that each layer is stacked in the same stacking direction and order. This method has fast operation speed and high pallet utilization rate, and is suitable for goods with neat appearance and large area.

2. Rotary staggered

The stacking method is that the first layer of goods is placed at 90 degrees to each other; the second layer is placed in the same way, 180 degrees away from the first layer of goods; the third layer refers to the first layer, and so on. This method has good stability and is not easy to collapse. The disadvantage is that the operation is difficult, and the hollow in the middle leads to a low utilization rate of the pallet.

3, criss-cross

The stacking method is that the first layer of goods is arranged horizontally; the second layer of goods is arranged vertically; the third layer refers to the first layer, and so on. This method is simple to operate and suitable for automatic loading operation, but the disadvantage is that the occlusion effect between the layers is not good and the stability is poor.

4. Positive and negative staggered

The stacking method is that the first layer is closely placed according to the combination of horizontal two and vertical three; the second layer is also in the same combination of horizontal two and vertical three, but in the opposite direction to the first layer; the third layer refers to the first layer; and so on. This method is similar to building bricks, with high stability, suitable for neatly shaped goods, but the disadvantage is that it is troublesome to operate.

No.45, Xingchen Road, Hengshanqiao Town, Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
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