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What should be paid attention to when transporting plastic pallets china?
 May 13, 2022|View:423

When the plastic pallets of Jiangsu Xuansheng Plastic Industry Technology Co., Ltd. are used in turnover, the following points should be paid attention to:


1. Cooperation of forklifts

1. During the use of pallets by hydraulic trucks and forklifts, the distance from the outer edge of the fork should be as wide as possible to the outer edge of the fork inlet of the pallet, and the depth of the fork should be greater than 2/3 of the depth of the entire pallet.

2. During the movement of the pallet, hydraulic trucks and forklifts should maintain a uniform speed to advance, retreat and go up and down, so as to avoid the pallet damage caused by sudden braking and sudden turning, and the collapse of the goods.

2. The carrying weight of the pallet

The load mass of each pallet should be less than or equal to 2 tons. In order to ensure the safety during transportation, the height of the center of gravity of the loaded goods should not exceed two-thirds of the pallet width.


3. Protection and reinforcement of carrying cargo

After the goods carried by the pallet are fixed, those that still cannot meet the transportation requirements should choose protective reinforcement accessories as needed. Reinforced protective accessories are made of paper, wood, plastic, metal or other materials.

No.45, Xingchen Road, Hengshanqiao Town, Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
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