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What kind of stacking method is suitable for different goods?
 Apr 07, 2022|View:409

Many companies now choose to use plastic pallets to turn goods around. During transportation, in order to ensure safe and efficient operations, how to stack the goods correctly becomes particularly important. Next, Xuansheng will show you how different the stacking methods of different goods are.


Bag packing: When the bagged goods are stacked, the positive and negative staggered stacking can be selected. The first layer is closely placed according to the combination of horizontal two and vertical three; the second layer also follows the combination of horizontal two and vertical three, but in the opposite direction to the first layer; the third layer refers to the first layer; and so on. This stacking method is compact and stable, and can make full use of plastic pallets.

Boxed: When the boxed goods are stacked, you can choose the seamed stacking. The first layer is arranged in sequence; the second layer is placed in sequence on the gap of the first layer of goods; and so on. Such a stacking method is neat and convenient, and the pallets are evenly stressed and not easily damaged.

Barrel: When stacking the barrels, you can choose overlapping or seam stacking. Overlapping means that each layer is placed in the same order and direction, and the barreled goods can be stacked by seam when they are placed horizontally. This stacking method, combined with the correct solid method, is not only convenient and fast to operate, but also maintains stability.

There are differences in the placement of different goods. Everyone must choose the appropriate and correct stacking method when stacking.

No.45, Xingchen Road, Hengshanqiao Town, Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
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