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Warehousing goods placement skills, great! put! deliver!
 Jun 10, 2022|View:251

There are many and miscellaneous goods stored in the warehouse. Every day, warehouse managers need to use many warehousing skills flexibly to manage the warehouse in an orderly manner. Today, plastic manufacturers will share with you some storage goods placement skills, hoping to help you.


  1. The area and time of product access need to be recorded in time, and the records should be updated in time when there are changes.

  2. The product chooses different stacking methods according to different packaging methods, and remember to ensure the stacking stability of the product. In addition, if there are special stacking requirements, it is necessary to post precautions in obvious places to remind the staff.

  3. When products are stacked on the surface of plastic pallets china, abide by the stacking requirements to ensure product safety, do not be greedy, overweight, upside down, sideways, etc.; the pallet forks should be placed neatly outwards, which is convenient for forklift access.


4. Important signs such as product marks or serial numbers shall all face the outside.

5. Divide the area according to the frequency of use of the product, and place the commonly used products in the area near the exit for easy access.

6. Similar products are stacked together, and problems can be dealt with in time. Do not stack them indiscriminately and confuse products.

No.45, Xingchen Road, Hengshanqiao Town, Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
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