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The shelf plastic pallet is very convenient to use, but be sure to pay attention to safety!
 Nov 11, 2022|View:188

It is a very common combination to use plastic pallets to store goods on shelves. When used with forklifts, warehouse management is not too convenient to implement! Although there are not many restrictions on the storage of goods on pallets and shelves, once the operation is wrong, the accident caused cannot be ignored. The following precautions for the use of shelves and pallets can be understood.


  1. According to whether the pallet is compatible with the forklift and the actual load of the shelf, select the appropriate pallet specification.

  2. On the shelves, follow the principles of upper small and lower large, upper light and lower heavy to store goods in a standardized manner, maintain a balanced weight, and avoid damage to pallets and shelves and collapse accidents.

  3. Be careful when placing the pallets on the shelves and stacking the goods to keep them stable.

  4. Remember that the goods on the pallet cannot be super high and overloaded, and there should be a space of not less than 100mm between the bottom shelf pallet and the upper board.

No.45, Xingchen Road, Hengshanqiao Town, Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
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