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The plastic pallet price trap you must avoid!
 Mar 10, 2022|View:431

In terms of material, pallets can be divided into: wooden pallets, steel pallets, plastic pallets, etc. So what kind of environment are the trays of different materials suitable for? Below, Xuan Sheng will help you analyze it in detail.


1. Temperature: Pallets of different materials have their own temperature tolerance ranges, for example: plastic pallets are suitable for ambient temperature: 40℃~-25℃. The change of temperature directly determines the choice of pallet material.

2. Humidity: The wooden pallet has strong water absorption, and its service life will be affected when used in a humid environment. Both plastic pallets and steel pallets have moisture-proof functions and can be preferred.

3. Environmental pollution: In the case of serious pollution of the use environment, you should choose a pallet that is resistant to pollution and easy to clean, such as a plastic pallet.

4. Cargo characteristics: Considering the particularity of the cargo material, such as corrosion, it is necessary to choose a corrosion-resistant pallet.

5. Uses: If the pallet is used as a backing board to prevent moisture, you can choose a pallet with a simple structure and low cost, such as simple wooden pallets, plastic moisture-proof boards; if you need to load, turn around, and transport, you can choose High-strength, high-load pallets, such as plastic pallets, steel pallets; if stacking storage is required, double-sided pallets should be selected to ensure the safety of the goods; if pallets are used on shelves, it is necessary to consider whether the pallet structure is suitable for placing on the shelves. superior.

I hope the above five points can help you choose the correct and suitable pallet in different use environments.

No.45, Xingchen Road, Hengshanqiao Town, Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
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