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Plastic pallets china combined with plastic additives are like a painting
 Jun 01, 2023|View:327

Plastic additives are a compound used to improve the performance of plastic products, and adding different kinds of additives to the raw materials can improve the performance of many aspects of plastic products, while also reducing costs. Commonly used additives are mainly as follows:


1. Plasticizer

Plasticizers can increase the plasticity and softness of plastics, which is beneficial to the molding of plastic products. It is the most commonly used additive at present.

2. Stabilizer

Plastic products will definitely age during use, and stabilizers can delay the appearance of aging.

3. Flame retardant

Most plastic products are flammable, and flame retardants can improve the flame resistance of plastics, reduce the burning rate, and improve the safety hazards of plastic products.

4. Antistatic agent

Antistatic agents can reduce or eliminate static electricity generated on the surface of plastic products, eliminating static electricity hazards.

5. Colorant

Colorants are used in the coloring of plastic products, mainly for beautification and modification.

6. Lubricant

Lubricants are mainly used to improve the surface finish of plastic products.

No.45, Xingchen Road, Hengshanqiao Town, Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
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