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How to improve the aging resistance of plastic pallets?
 Nov 18, 2022|View:199

Many companies now use plastic boxes or plastic pallets more or less, and they all need to be used for a long time. Plastic products have a life cycle. After using plastic boxes or plastic pallets for a few years, customers will find that they become hard, brittle, fade in color, and even crack and performance decline. This is caused by the aging of plastic products. . Therefore, for products that need to be used for a long time and are frequently used, it is very necessary to fundamentally improve the anti-aging performance, thereby prolonging the service life. Here, Xuansheng will provide you with some effective measures to improve the aging resistance of plastic products for your reference.


From the user's point of view, the aging of plastic products is the result of the comprehensive influence of internal and external factors. Under the action of light and heat for a long time, the internal molecular weight will change, and the modification additive components will volatilize, thus becoming brittle and easy to break. Avoid long-term exposure to sunlight and heat sources when in use; try to put it in a cool place when it is idle; if it has to be placed in an open place, you can cover it with a cloth. This can effectively avoid the rapid aging of plastic products, thereby prolonging their service life.

From the producer's point of view, modifying additives can be added to raw materials during the production process, such as antioxidants, which can prevent plastics from turning yellow and cracking due to thermal oxidation during high-temperature use; plasticizers can enhance the plastic's Plasticity and softness, reducing its brittleness; stabilizer can prevent synthetic resin from decomposing and destroying under the action of light and heat; proper formula can significantly and effectively improve the anti-aging performance of plastic products and prolong their service life.

No.45, Xingchen Road, Hengshanqiao Town, Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
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