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Demystifying why plastic pallets china produce chromatic aberration
 Nov 09, 2022|View:197

Now according to the different needs of various industries, the colors of plastic products are gradually enriched, such as: blue, red, yellow, etc. Many customers wonder why the same plastic product has different shades of color during use? The following Xuansheng Plastic Industry will answer it for you.


In the production process of plastic products, coloring treatment is an important step that affects the color difference. It determines the overall appearance of the product. The main reasons for the color difference are as follows:

  1. The injection molding machine and mold factors that produce plastic products will cause color difference.

  2. The thermal stability of the raw resin can not be ignored on the color difference of plastic products.

  3. The uneven mixing of color masterbatch and masterbatch during production will also affect the color difference of plastic products.

  4. Fourth, the barrel temperature also has an impact on the chromatic aberration of plastic products.

  5. During the production process of the same batch, the adjustment of the injection molding process will also affect the chromatic aberration of plastic products.

No.45, Xingchen Road, Hengshanqiao Town, Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
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