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Autumn Maintenance Cheats for Plastic Tallets
 Apr 28, 2022|View:293

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the temperature drops and the weather turns cooler, and people truly feel the arrival of autumn. So how should plastic pallets be maintained when they are used in autumn? Below, plastic manufacturers introduce the maintenance methods of plastic pallets in autumn.


1. The weather in autumn is dry and fires are easy to occur. When the plastic pallets are stored in the warehouse, full fire prevention preparations are required.

2. The temperature difference between day and night in autumn is large, and the toughness of the plastic pallet will decrease due to the influence of temperature, and it is easy to become brittle and deformed. Therefore, it must be handled with care, and it is forbidden to throw it indiscriminately.

3. Although autumn is much cooler than summer, plastic pallets are still prohibited from being exposed to the wind and the sun outside. Try to use them indoors to prolong the life of the pallet.

Jiangsu Xuansheng Plastic Industry Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in R&D, production and sales of plastic pallets. You are welcome to contact us for consultation.

No.45, Xingchen Road, Hengshanqiao Town, Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
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